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Employers 고용주 雇主 雇用 أرباب العمل


Thank you for your interest in our recruiting services. If you have any questions or comments about our services please contact at us at: In addition, to sign up for our recruiting services please register on our site by clicking here, 구인등록 and a member of our team will contact you shortly.


Services We Provide

  • Recruit and screen applicants in order to compile a pool of candidates with the qualifications that meets the job requirements

  • Assist you in the procuring travel arrangements for applicants

  • Provide applicants with information and resources related to living and teaching in the host country

  • Guide and support the applicant in obtaining the appropriate documentation for working and living in the host country including providing step-by-step visa process assistance

  • Provide the applicant with social support and networking throughout the duration of the applicant’s employment contract


How do I sign up?
Simply complete our sign up form and a member of our team will contact you. Click here to sign up for our recruiting services.

What services do you provide to employers?
We will recruit and screen applicants, provide pre and post placement support assistance as well as assist applicants with obtaining their visa.

How much should l expect to pay for your recruiting services?
We offer competitive recruiting pricing plans. For more information please contact us at and a member of our team will contact you within one business day.

Will I be expected to pay any money upfront?
No, we provide contingency based recruiting services therefore you will only be required to pay after the teacher has arrived in the country.